The Gynecologist in the Basement, The Strange Case of Dr. Huxtable and Mr. Cosby


Cosby as Dr. Huxtable in his basement OB/GYN office Cosby as Dr. Huxtable in his basement OB/GYN office

by Sola @lasentienttruth

The Cosby Show was an iconic TV show that became the model for upper middle class black America, but there was one paradox in the plot, one muffled script hiccup that never fully made sense to me:  The gynecologist in the basement.  I remember watching as a kid, obfuscated first by the fact that Cosby casually ran a doctor’s office from his basement, not an office or hospital, but even more, I was perplexed by why he had selected OB/GYN for the good Dr. Huxtable’s practice.  Even a seven year-old knows a gynecologist is an odd choice for a television representation of the ideal profession for a man with five kids, particularly since it didn’t add much to the character or plot.  I’d sit in front of the television, unconvinced that Dr. Huxtable could hold a steak sandwich…

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Uranus in Taurus – The End of the World–As We Know It.


I try not to give into fear by remaining rational and level-headed, but this upcoming ingress of Uranus into Taurus has me very concerned. This is because Taurus represents peace, normalcy, finances, food, nature, values and standards. Uranus is about upheaval, rebellion, chaos, sudden upsets, destruction, tyranny, sudden change, and perversion. Uranus also deals with groups of people, social causes, and activism. Uranus is considered to be in the “Fall” when in Taurus. A sign that places a planet in the “Fall”, is not a healthy placement for it. Uranus will first ingress into Taurus on May 16, 2018. The 16th is a day of catastrophe so I’m curious to see how Uranus will get things started.

I pulled a Tarot Card to represent the theme of Uranus in Taurus and it was the 5 of Swords. The 5 of Swords is one of the most troublesome cards of the Tarot Deck. It is ascribed to Venus in Aquarius and it denotes conflict, treachery, betrayal, rebellion, uprising, theft, hate, vindictiveness and artifice. What’s interesting and downright spooky is that Venus rules Taurus and Uranus rules Aquarius so the 5 of Swords is on point. It is not a card that is conducive to harmonious relationships and for the well-being of humanity. The 5 of Swords only confirms my suspicions about Uranus’ entry into the sign of the Bull. This card also proves that I am not just being paranoid nor am I giving in to irrational fear. 

So let me just cut to the chase with some bullet points regarding the possible ways in which Uranus in Taurus will manifest:

  • Rebellion against convention and all that is natural. The abnormal becomes normalized. Chaos replaces order. Upheavals. 
  • A major change/shift in global economic conditions—for the worse. Economic insecurity.
  • Tyranny—especially economic and ecological. A cashless system could be implemented. Money becomes totally electronic. 
  • Microchip implants will become more of the norm.
  • GMO foods will become even more the norm.
  • Perversion will reach an all-time high due to the erosion of values and standards.
  • The lines between Right and Wrong will be blurred.
  • Public nudity and other forms of indecency/deviant behavior will become more socially acceptable.
  • The battle between the sexes will reach an all-time high.
  • Racial tension will reach a crescendo; A race or civil war is possible.
  • Riots and social uprisings.
  • Being under total surveillance.
  • Air travel could be heavily restricted in some areas due to civil unrest or war.
  • People will develop more of a mob mentality.
  • The perversion or devaluation of the Arts. Ugliness will be considered to be Beauty.
  • An increase in natural disasters, crazy weather, mega storms, droughts. 
  • The weather will become totally manufactured (Geoengineering programs have been in place for many years now, but NASA claims that it will own the weather by 2025

I don’t mean to be all about gloom and doom, but I am also a realist and I can’t ignore this destructive energy that is imminent. We will need more faith and inner peace than ever to get through these sour times that are on the horizon.

On the bright side, enlightenment will increase and people will gain more access to creative powers that are not of this Earth. Uranus in Taurus will usher in some state-of-the-art designs that have yet to enter our realm of human experience. There will also be an increase in entrepreneurs as Uranus enters Taurus since Uranus = Independence. This is also a very good time for Astrologers (also meta-physicians in general) since Uranus is the planet that rules Astrology and with Taurus representing money, but also realism, Astrology will be given more legitimacy. Taurus also represents advisors and with Uranus in Taurus, many people will be seeking answers that cannot be satisfied through conventional means. More people will consider becoming an Astrologer as a viable career option.  

~ Rahbinah Rastaban, Astrologer/Spiritual Advisor

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Pluto square Uranus and the MGTOW Movement


Over the past several years, there’s been a growing movement of men who have given up on the idea of forming harmonious relationships with women. Marriage is a self-annihilating social construct for these men. MGTOW is an acronym which stands for Men Going Their Own Way and this trend is beginning to grow in popularity. Just enter MGTOW in the YouTube search field or Google it and you will see what I’m talking about. I have watched quite a few of these MGTOW videos and I must admit that a lot of the points made in rationale for this growing trend are valid. Men who subscribe to the MGTOW credo finger 3rd wave feminism as the main culprit and sadly, I have to agree. While there is nothing inherently evil and divisive regarding the original concept of feminism, the movement has been hi-jacked by radical, ultra-left wing feminists. These 3rd wave feminist videos are ubiquitous on YouTube along with the MGTOW content. Both sides are ridiculously extreme in their views, but I must say, if I have to choose between the two, I am siding with MGTOW since their arguments are more rational and logical. Blame my Capricorn Moon Rising, but I prefer men to be men and I appreciate the traditional roles that both men and women play in society. My Mars is in trine to Venus, which grants me the ability to look at the perspectives of both sexes objectively. What I gather from these MGTOW males’ gripes is that they just want to be respected for being what they are naturally inclined to be: A Mars-ruled species. When one’s very existence is being threatened, it’s only natural for him to engage in self-preservation.

The battle between the sexes has never been so bitter, never have I seen it so brutal. This is all by design by the touch of the Unseen Hand in my opinion, but that’s not what this post is about. In 2010, I created a video and uploaded it to YouTube where I criticized ultra-left wing radical feminism and warned that there would be a growing number of men who would start to rebel against this attack upon their image and their very nature. I called it “masculinism”, which interestingly enough, is not even recognized as a word unlike feminism, its female counterpart. MGTOW is basically hyper-masculinism in a nutshell. It is beyond misogyny. It is pure apathy towards women. A lot of these men are fed up with the status quo and perhaps, justifiably so.

Over the past 20 years or so, masculinity has been attacked primarily through media representations of the male experience. Men have been encouraged to go against their nature and to become more docile, more effeminate. Just think about all of the commercials where the wife is portrayed as the wise, all-knowing one and the husband is a bumbling imbecile who needs to be led through the nose by his omnipotent wife. The emasculation of men has been taking place in the Western Hemisphere for quite some time. This is for one reason and one reason only: A weakened, emasculated population of men is easy to subdue, easy to bring under total control.

Astrologically speaking, Mars rules men as well as the Sun. Both the Sun and Mars are dominant, masculine, aggressive and productive forces. They represent the essence of men. The symbol for the MGTOW movement is one black solid vertical line with what looks to be an erect penis protruding from the right side (as pictured below). This is just a castrated variation of the Mars symbol. Notice the key difference. With Mars you have the circle which represents the scrotum/testes. The circle also depicts the source of creation. With the MGTOW symbol, the circle aka scrotum/testes is not present, denoting an unwillingness to even copulate with women for the sake of having children. They are essentially telling women: “No, I will not let you take my balls. I’d rather cut them off before I hand them over to you”.


Both the Sun and Mars are not designed to be in submission. Sure, these forces can get out of control if there are no holds barred, which is why we have the Moon and Venus, the heavenly bodies that represent women. When the male populace becomes emasculated, the energy of the Sun and Mars does not disappear for per the first law of thermodynamics, energy is neither created nor destroyed. That Sun/Mars energy has to go somewhere. The radical feminists believe they are siphoning this energy and becoming empowered, but in reality it is those who orchestrate things from on high who are usurping it. Those who rule the world are stealing this energy and using it to destroy the moral fiber and integrity of both sexes.

The astrological configuration that is representative of this growing MGTOW movement is the ongoing square between Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries, beginning in 2012. Astrology King has this to say about this powerful transit:

Uranus square Pluto is the most significant and most challenging planetary influence in a generation. We are living through a major global upheaval due to, and resulting in rapid evolutionary change. Uranus represents change, invention, revolution, and higher awareness. It’s effect is shocking, unpredictable, and erratic. Pluto represents globalization, destruction, transformation, and renewal. It’s effect is grinding, ruthless, and extreme.

Both of these planets are distinctly non-personal and emotionless, yet their effect is dramatic and deeply felt. The square is the most challenging of the planetary aspects, representing stressful tests and challenges. [1]

Mars rules Aries, and like Mars, Aries represents males. Uranus deals with rebellion, revolution, and uprising all of which MGTOW represents. Pluto in Capricorn is the powder keg in the house of traditional institutions such as marriage. Pluto in Capricorn points to these MGTOW men seeing marriage and commitments to women as a death trap, a maximum security prison. Pluto also points to these men taking an extremist position regarding their manhood since they perceive it as being threatened.

However, as I stated previously, there’s more than meets the eye with this MGTOW movement. Pluto in Capricorn can represent this Unseen Hand that I speak of; a shadow government who engages in psychological warfare on its own citizens. This is nothing new. Most, if not all governments of the industrialized world have psychological controls in place to subjugate the masses and keep them in a state of division. This is to prevent uprisings. Pluto in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries can denote government-run (Capricorn) psyops (Pluto) that are designed to create conflict (square) through the de-sexualization/depersonalization (Uranus) of men (Aries). Those in power realize that this will cause some men to rebel and wage war against women—women being their only saving grace in these days and times. Men need women and women need men. When the sexes are at war, both sides lose.

The funny thing is, most women do not resonate with the ultra-left wing feminist agenda that is fomenting this epic battle of the sexes. However, the power of the corporate-controlled media that is the mouthpiece for the Evils that Be (Pluto in Capricorn), creates the misconception that women are all on the same free-bleeding platform. That’s right. It’s gotten down to free-bleeding (Google it if you don’t believe me) feminists—which is nothing, but some agent provocateur-style bullshit courtesy of those who pull on the heartstrings and tap dance upon the minds of the masses.

Part II is to Come…

~ Rahbinah Rastaban



Afrika Bambaataa’s Natal Chart – Does He Have What It Takes?


Afrika Bambaataa, one of the pioneers of hip hop is currently facing allegations of child molestation that allegedly occurred during his hey day back in the late 70’s and early 80’s. Ronald Savage among others, has alleged that Bambaataa sexually molested him when he was a young teen. As a result of this scandal that has plagued the hip hop community, but even more so Afrika Bambaataa’s Zulu Nation, I am going to analyze his natal chart to see if there are any indications or tendencies that would corroborate the accounts of his alleged victims.

Note: I do not know his time of birth and it has not been verified despite the claims by some that he is a Sagittarius rising. As a result, I will only discuss his planetary aspects and forgo discussing the house positions or Ascendant.

Afrika Bambaataa was born on April 17, 1957 which would make him an Aries with a strong organizational mindset since the number 17 breaks down to 8 and the number 8 deals with business and materialism in general. 8 is the number of Saturn and with it comes heavy karma. It’s interesting to note that Afrika Bambaataa is experiencing his 2nd Saturn Return. Saturn Returns occur approximately every 29 years and they usually herald very challenging circumstances. Saturn Returns in a spiritual sense can result in having to pay down some karmic debt. This is exactly what is happening with Bambaataa right now during his Saturn Return. When people are ill-prepared for their Saturn Return period, it is often a very humbling experience. Saturn also deals with reputation and when Saturn returns to its natal position, one’s reputation may be in jeopardy. Recently, Bambaataa issued this official statement in response to the allegations made against him:

I, Afrika Bambaataa, want to take this opportunity at the advice of my legal counsel to personally deny any and all allegations of any type of sexual molestation of anyone,” Bambaataa says in a statement to Rolling Stone. “These allegations are baseless and are a cowardly attempt to tarnish my reputation and legacy in hip-hop at this time. This negligent attack on my character will not stop me from continuing my battle and standing up against the violence in our communities, the violence in the nation and the violence worldwide.

The number 17 is softer than the single number 8, but the energy of Saturn is still present. With 17, one may be very artistic, fond of music, dance, filmmaking, pageantry, etc and create a livelihood out of it. However 17, mainly because of the number 7 can also deal with having a secret life or deceptive tendencies. It is easy to put up a charade. Usually, 17 is never totally upfront about his true intentions. There may be a hidden agenda or ulterior motives at work.

Now, looking into Afrika Bambaataa’s chart there are some indicators that point to the tendency for sexual predation. Some of the main indicators are challenging aspects between his Sun, Moon, Venus, Saturn, and Neptune. With the Sun being joined to Venus in Aries, Bambaataa has a natural affinity for music and entertainment, but also males since Aries is the most virile and masculine of the signs. Aries also deals with youth, thus he has a natural affinity or even attraction for young men. There have been rumors circulating within the hip hop community for years regarding Bambaataa’s homosexuality.  Sun in conjunction to Venus also deals with his flamboyant identity (think about his Soul Sonic Force days where he wore elaborate costumes and tights) and his penchant for unity. The whole “Peace, Unity, Love, and Having Fun” song was a testament to this. However, Venus in Aries is more about self-love than true love for others. With this Venus-Sun combo, Bambaataa was able to gain a lot of praise, adoration, and devotees throughout his rise to fame.

Now, this Venus/Sun conjunction is in pretty bad shape. This coupling is plagued by a hard aspect from the planet Neptune. Neptune is in opposition to his Sun and Venus which points to a very secretive or even deceptive nature. It is akin to living a lie. There’s much about Bambaataa’s life that he tries to keep hidden; Neptune being the planet of lies, deception and that which is kept under wraps. Neptune is in Scorpio, the sign of taboo activity and sexual bonds. Basically, this aspect enabled Afrika Bambaataa to lure boys into his circle by his message of Love, Peace, Unity, etc. With Neptune, he basically provided asylum for these youths, but at the same time it was a trap and they became easy prey.

The Sun and Venus are also in challenging aspect to his Moon and Saturn in Sagittarius. There’s a sesquisquare between these two cosmic couples and this can point to Bambaataa’s godfather or mentor/role model position and his ability to funnel boys into his organization for his own personal benefit. Saturn in conjunction to the Moon can make one very opportunistic as a result of a fear-based mindset. On a benign level Saturn joined with the Moon can point to one who lacked a childhood, proper nurturing, and possibly a mother’s love during the formative years. It can also point to strife within the home and having to take on the role of a parent as a child. As a result of Bambaataa’s difficult upbringing, he tries to create his own ideal family circle and legacy, hence the Zulu Nation, but with the challenge from the Sun and Venus in Aries, this family/legacy is dysfunctional and it echoes the kind of family dynamic that could be prone to incest. Often with Sun conjunct Venus, the native does not see others as distinct individuals–they are mere extensions of himself. When a person lacks the ability to respect others as individuals, it is very easy to impede upon their rights.

Afrika Bambaataa’s Sun and Venus are in square to Uranus and this can point to an alternative lifestyle, being eccentric or being ultra-progressive. On the negative end it can result in tendencies toward perversion and deviant behavior. This aspect points to his activist bent and the forming of the Zulu Nation, but since it’s a square, his intentions are not totally pure.

Bambaataa’s Moon/Saturn combo is in challenging aspect to Neptune. As I stated previously, Neptune is about lies and deception, but it is also about victimization. Bambaataa’s opportunistic personality and his status as a father-figure/mentor could result in the victimization of others through sex (Neptune in Scorpio). His Moon and Saturn are in Sagittarius and Sag deals with his international acclaim, his philosophy, belief system and god-like status. Saturn with the Moon can also cause him to lack the ability to relate to others on a personal level. He may actually believe he is a god in the flesh and this would give him justification to commit the grievous acts against those who put their trust and faith in him if these allegations are true. He is viewed as some sort of savior, but with this aspect he’s more of a cult leader.

The Zulu Nation founder has a hard aspect between Moon/Saturn and Mars. It’s an opposition in fact so this deals with an external struggle that is inherent within his life. This external struggle can point to him taking advantage of his mentorship/godfather position in the form of preying upon young men. Mars is in Gemini and Gemini deals with youth. Mars deals with males. Gemini can deal with being two-faced or having a second agenda. Due to issues regarding his father (as evident with challenging aspects to the Sun and Saturn, plus Saturn retrograde), Bambaataa has a need to feed on male energy to overcompensate for his lack of a male role model. Perhaps, Bambaataa’s own father had homosexual tendencies and struggled with his manhood. With Mars opposition Saturn alone, most likely his father was not around or was incapable of teaching him how to be a man. This combination between the Moon, Saturn and Mars can also cause him to not be able to respond to women sexually. This aspect can possibly point to Bambaataa being sexually abused or molested by a woman or mother figure in his early life. This could have turned him off from women and caused him to become very untrusting of them. Afrika definitely has serious issues with women and as a result he seeks love from men.

A few more indicators are present in Bambaataa’s chart–namely a semisquare between Mars and Uranus. This challenging aspect can deal with deviant sexual tendencies and perverse desires. It also deals with craving absolute power over those who join his organization. Now, the semisquare is very patient in meting out karma so it could take many years before one’s transgressions are exposed when done under this aspect.

He has a square between Mercury in Taurus and Chiron in Aquarius. This is a tight square that can deal with having a reprobate mind. A person with this aspect doesn’t feel that the rules should apply to them. They want to be the exception to the rule. With Chiron being in Aquarius, it gives him cult-leader tendencies as well as the tendency for perverse thoughts when in challenging aspect to Mercury. Mercury in Taurus makes him very much interested in music, but also beauty and sensuality. Taurus is also about values. When in square to Chiron, he may not be upholding the same values that he espouses.

Bambaataa has Mars square Jupiter which could make him very hypocritical, shady, and calculating. This aspect also causes one to be prone to excess, to not look before they leap, and to be sort of like a pied-piper–preying upon youth. Mars square Jupiter can also deal with rumors and gossip being spread about him, legal charges brought up against him, bribery, and even blackmail.

In terms of key asteroids, he has a contra-parallel between Hebe and Venus. This can point to an inappropriate relationship with young males since Hebe deals with youth. Negative aspects between Hebe and Venus or Mars for that matter, can indicate the propensity for pedophilia and child molestation.

Finally, I looked into Afrika Bambaataa’s spiritual evolution profile which can be gleaned from the examination of the Moon’s Nodes. Bambaataa’s South Node is in Taurus which puts his North Node in Scorpio. As a result, Bambaataa is an extremely sensual person who is prone to hyper-indulgence since the Nodes are at 21 degrees. In past lives, Bambaataa may have been indulgent, but he toed the line, he lived according to the values of society and he upheld the status quo. In this current incarnation, Afrika Bambaataa is called to live a more dynamic, transformative, and deeply meaningful existence through the North Node in Scorpio. He is to collaborate with others, create synergy and live life more on the edge. In the course of trying to evolve spiritually, Bambaataa has gone to the extreme left. He does embody a lot of the positive traits of the Scorpio Node, however, he has also adopted some of the most negative traits of Scorpio which is engaging in taboo/criminal behavior, being manipulative, cunning, obsessive/compulsive, and hyper-sexual. His Mars in Gemini forms a challenging aspect (quincunx) to his North Node–his sexual drives prevent him from evolving in the appropriate manner.

In conclusion, Afrika Bambaataa certainly has what it takes with respect to the allegations of child molestation. The thing is, Bambaataa has been given some protection via the planet Pluto (Venus/Sun trine Pluto, Neptune sextile Pluto) and this has enabled him to operate under the radar for many years. However, with this Saturn Return that he is experiencing, the indomitable power of Pluto can’t even shield him from the shit storm that has darkened his doorstep. After analyzing his natal, I believe these allegations are true.

Saturn in Sagittarius has a way of dethroning kings because it cares not about false pretenses; Saturn in Sagittarius is about truth reigning supreme–especially with respect to organizations and systems. Afrika Bambaataa’s god-like status is no more. That’s the power of Saturn in Sag. Transiting Saturn will land on his natal Saturn again on May 24th so he’s still in the thick of it. More details or allegations may come out around that time.

~ Rahbinah





Venus in Pisces: Part Nun, Part Nymph

Venus in Pisces.

Venus is currently sailing through Pisces, the sign of the two fishes. Venus in Pisces can often be torn between two loves: her partner vs. her public life, work vs. family, extravagance vs. security, etc. Regardless of what these two loves are, one will usually have to be sacrificed for the other, but Venus in Pisces believes that someplace, somewhere it is all possible. Yes, Pisces Venus can be prone to yearning for a fairytale existence which is why she needs earthy people to keep her grounded. Venus in Pisces is in fact very compatible with the Earth signs–yes even Virgo. It’s just with Virgo, Pisces must be willing to be more present in the here and now and give attention to the little things that Virgo cares so much about. Virgo must be willing to allow Pisces to just be–even if that means going off someone alone for a little while. Know-it-all Virgo must also be okay with Pisces’s secretive nature.

Venus in Pisces is very romantic and emotionally sensitive. Of course she is artistic. She can also be very spiritual and in extreme cases, rather flaky. This watery Venus believes that almost anything is possible when you just believe. Venus in Pisces certainly believes in miracles and she can often make miracles happen just by envisioning her deepest desires with the utmost sincerity. This is a good thing since a miracle is often required to legitimize a secret love affair which Venus in Pisces is so prone to enter. The song Secret Lovers by Atlantic Starr is the epitome of Venus in Pisces. A Piscean Venus actually thrives in those relationships where there is a yearning to be with someone who is unavailable. This gives her vivid imagination room to run wild. Venus in Pisces has a need to dream, to long, to fantasize and being isolated from a partner provides much opportunity. Thus, Venus in Pisces is attracted to long-distance relationships, relationships inhibited by one’s career or other obligations, and love triangles. For Venus in Pisces it is a requirement that substantial time is spent in isolation, but not too much since Pisces can really suffer when there appears to be no reunion in sight.

Venus in Pisces can be rather hard to please since she’s so idealistic. She is easily disappointed with partners who don’t put forth an effort to keep her happy. She can be prudish at times and also preachy. However, it is Venus in Pisces who will be there when you are completely down and out, at rock bottom, or experiencing a serious turn of misfortune. She just may remind you later of how well she has played the role of the martyr for you. Venus in Pisces will make great sacrifices for her partner, but she will expect that same degree of selflessness to be reciprocated.

Sexually, Venus in Pisces can be somewhat reserved–even to the point of desiring to be a nun–unless she is able to transform fully into the spiritual fish, allowing herself to become vulnerable. When she does completely let go, she becomes the nymph of every man’s dreams as she yields fully to the penetrating force. Venus in Pisces wants sweet sounds, soft music, and seductive fragrances to set the mood. She is very eager to please, but sometimes she just wants to zone out and be carried away on the wings of a strong lover who takes care of everything. This is not to say that Venus in Pisces has the tendency to be a cold fish, she just likes being treated like princess at times–with grace, awe and reverence. Sex can be a religious experience for Venus in Pisces and she may begin to become addicted to the uplifting feeling that a certain kind of sexual partner can provide–just don’t interrupt her sleepy time for a 5 minute romp. A great temporary lover can be Venus in Pisces’s worst nightmare since she will be forever trying to find that same experience with others and becoming disillusioned in the process.

In terms of personal style, Venus in Pisces is all about glamour, glitter, costumes, signature looks, and enhancements. Venus in Pisces loves makeup and has a great talent when it comes to its application. When it comes to hair she prefers that it appears soft, free flowing and feminine. Clothing can be a toss up as she has the tendency to be a chameleon, changing up per the event or situation. Her flavor is at times abstract and sometimes classic. You never know what Venus in Pisces may enter a room wearing, but it will look good on her nonetheless. Pisces is the sign of jewelry so gifts of precious metals, gems and stones can really win her over.  Venus in Pisces may even be caught donning a bejeweled tiara on special occasions before she pirouettes out the door.  Basically she is drawn to that which is precious, rare and cherished such as an obscure fragrance. Don’t think you’ll get away with giving her something as an afterthought and she not take issue with it. Any gift for a Pisces Venus  must be special and endearing because she sees herself as such. 

~ Rahbinah

The Realist Astrologer: Why I Don’t Write Generalized Horoscopes


One of my pet peeves in the world of Astrology is the proliferation of generalized horoscopes. There are also a multitude of erroneous blog posts, Facebook status updates and Tweets dealing with the daily motion of the stars, planets, luminaries, etc. and how it applies to people on an individual level. For instance, just because transiting Mars is making a challenging aspect to transiting Venus does not mean that people on an individual level will face some strife in their personal relationships on that particular day. Aspects between transiting planets should be taken on a mundane level–i.e. reserved for whole populations, nations, the world, etc. Aspects between transiting planets are also used for horary, financial and electional astrology. To get a view of what can affect a person personally, an astrologer has to reference that person’s natal (birth) chart. Even events such as Mercury turning retrograde and solar/lunar eclipses may not directly impact an individual unless a sensitive point of the natal chart is triggered.

Any astrologer will tell you that not all Scorpios are created equally and the same goes for any zodiac sign. They will also tell you that one has to take the entire natal chart into account before making judgments, interpretations and forecasts. However, many still churn out these daily, weekly and monthly horoscopes that appeal to the masses even though they are not a reflection of reality or true Astrology for that matter. Sometimes these horoscopes contain a degree of accuracy, but more often than not, they don’t ring true for many folks. Some astrologers being all too aware of this pitfall will try to legitimize this practice by stating that the sign of one’s Ascendant and Moon can also apply to the particular horoscope. This in my opinion, is a weak attempt to reduce the margin of error that is inherent in generalized horoscopes.

It really irks me when some astrologers or horoscope writers include the house positions; a practice which is totally bogus since one only knows the actual house positions when given the time of birth. This practice of using the houses stems from placing the sign in question on the Ascendant and deriving the house positions from there. So for instance, the monthly horoscope email you receive may say that Venus is traveling through your 5th house, but in reality, according to your natal chart, Venus is actually moving through your 10th. This is why I can’t get down with this practice.

It’s this very practice that gives fodder to skeptics as they wag their finger at glaring inaccuracies. Generalized horoscopes also promote the ever-pervasive notion that Astrology is a mere form of entertainment for the masses.

I have been guilty of patronizing this questionable practice in my early days as I used to subscribe to Astrologer, Susan Miller’s monthly horoscope emails. Sure her horoscopes are semi-accurate for the most part and she even breaks the signs down by decanates (i.e. “if you were born between the 20th and 30th of April, read this section”), but they still do not produce the stunning revelations and jarring insight of an actual astrological forecast. There came a day when I had to unsubscribe since this practice is not in accordance with my belief system. I also found it disconcerting that the American Federation of Astrologers resorts to providing monthly horoscopes. These horoscopes are actually less accurate than Susan Miller’s.

So why do so many astrologers write these generalized horoscopes when they are aware that it is mostly bullshit? I believe it comes down to a need for consistent engagement. They want to keep customers, followers, and fans engaged and generalized horoscopes are the most common way to achieve this goal in this industry. It’s called Sun Sign Astrology, a watered down version of the real thing. Sun Sign Astrology is basically like this: “You’re a Leo, so for this week, all Leos will have some kind of difficulty at work”. As you can see, these blanket generalizations can’t possibly apply to every Leo under the Sun. Astrology represents Life and Life is never that simple. Sun Sign Astrology is a fairly new phenomenon, not arriving on the astrological scene until 1930. From Wikipedia: “The astrologer R. H. Naylor was claimed by his newspaper to have predicted the crash of the R101 airship. This led to pressure on Naylor to come up with a simplified system of astrology suitable for a newspaper column. After some experimentation, Naylor decided on sun signs”.  Thus, Sun Sign Astrology was created specifically for the masses and tailored for news publications. Sun Sign Astrology is idealism at its worst.

I cannot compromise my integrity and engage in the practice of writing generalized horoscopes even if it means an increase in website traffic or conversions to sales. I place a high value on authenticity, accuracy and the truth. Even if a major media publication offered me substantial compensation for providing this type of column, I would decline. It would be akin to selling my soul. Generalized horoscopes do the science and art that is Astrology a great disservice and many traditional astrologers like C.E.O Carter, John Frawley, and William Lilly have shunned the practice for this very reason. My aim is to uphold the integrity of Astrology and preserve some of its traditional rules and guidelines. I am after all a Capricorn (tradition, realism) rising with my Moon in Capricorn in the 1st. My Sun, Mercury, and Neptune are in Sagittarius (Honesty, Preservation) and Uranus (Truth) is on my Midheaven. Sure, I am somewhat of an idealist with all of that Sagittarian energy, but I am more of a staunch realist and I intend to stay that way.




Venus in Aquarius: Kaleidoscopic Love

Venus in Aquarius 2

Venus is currently soaring through Aquarius. Venus in Aquarius is an edgy, cool, progressive female who prefers solid friendship to a suffocating committed relationship. This is not to say that Aquarian Venus is noncommittal, she just doesn’t want it to feel that way. She is fiercely independent and prone to rebellion if faced with too much restriction. The best way to keep Venus in Aquarius happy is to give her plenty of autonomy to make changes at a moment’s notice and to respect the fact that she will have a throng of friends and admirers–both male and female. It’s no sense harboring feelings of jealousy when it comes to Venus in Aquarius. She’s a natural magnet when it comes to making new acquaintances and she’s quite the social butterfly. Her social circle is akin to a kaleidoscope; full of colorful and dynamic types.

In a marriage or long-term commitment Venus in Aquarius has a need to run the show. A lot of times it is either her way or no way. The good thing is Venus in Aquarius tends to attract the kind of partners who have no problem submitting to her indomitable will. Any partner of Aquarian Venus will also need to wear a thick skin since she won’t hesitate to tell you the hardcore truth. She’s not emotionally needy and she’s not really concerned with the sentimental. Sometimes Venus in Aquarius may become so uncomfortable with her emotions that she resorts to humor or goof ball antics to keep the atmosphere light and carefree. She is not one for a lot of mushy doting or displays of affection. What she wants is sincerity and authenticity. Venus in Aquarius does however have a huge sense of entitlement and does not do well with the word “No” when she is on the receiving end. If it’s something that she wants and her partner is not providing it, she will take a circuitous route to get it. Loyalty is another weakness of Aquarian Venus. This is due to her shunning of systems of hierarchy and tradition. Don’t expect her to put you or anyone else on a pedestal. She believes that her friends deserve just as much time and attention as her partner/spouse.

Sexually, Aquarius is the sign of the freak, so Venus in this sign may have various tricks up her sleeve. The vibrator and other sex toys are very Venus in Aquarius for instance. Since Aquarian Venus is very tolerant of that which deviates from the norm, she is prone to bisexuality, homosexuality, and entering poly-amorous unions. Even if her sexual orientation is bone-straight, she will most likely be very accepting of alternative lifestyles.

In terms of personal style, Venus in Aquarius prefers looks that are cutting edge, progressive and even futuristic. She doesn’t follow trends, she is a trendsetter. She is attracted to bright colors and pastels, abstract patterns, and strategically placed rips and tears. For instance fashion trends such a ripped and acid wash jeans, torn tees, platform shoes, and unisex clothing are the epitome of Venus in Aquarius. She likes to be radically different than the masses and her appearance may even reveal her activist nature. PETA and the whole “I’d rather go naked than wear fur” campaign is certainly a Venus in Aquarius construct. Venus in Aquarius is drawn to technological gadgets that  enhance beauty such as state of the art make up tools. She will frequent Sephora, Ulta and the like to keep her arsenal of beauty implements well stocked. She sees makeup as a means of physical evolution. When it comes to hairstyles Venus in Aquarius can go through frequent changes. She is likely to dye her hair on a whim and she is drawn to colors such as platinum blond or maybe even a funky blue. Venus in Aquarius likes short, androgynous hair cuts, spiky tresses and asymmetrical coifs. The shaving one side of the head trend? Yes, that’s Aquarian Venus.




Kanye Keeps the Krazy Coming


After reading some of the latest tweets of the one and only Kanye West, aka Yeezy, I was inspired to analyze his natal chart. Firstly, Kanye West’s birth date alone provides a gateway into his crazy world. Born when the Sun was skipping through Gemini and  on the 8th day, Kanye can’t help but to speak his frenetic mind in an attempt to further his ambitions. 8 is the number of Saturn according to Chaldean numerology. People born on the 8th are often extremely ambitious, business-oriented, and drawn to high positions in life. With Kanye being a Gemini, the energy of the number 8 is channeled into a variety of pursuits from music production to fashion design. 8 people have a tremendous ability to attract large sums of money via industry or government. Career is everything to 8 people and they are willing to work hard to get to the top of their field. Kanye is no exception. However, the number 8 is one of destiny and with it comes a heavy dose of karma that cannot be escaped in the present incarnation. 8 can bring one to tremendous heights in terms of status and wealth, but when the wheel turns downward, there’s not much that can be done to mitigate the destined misfortune. Kanye West may certainly be experiencing the downside of his destiny at the moment. Here are some of his recent tweets:

I write this to you my brothers while still 53 million dollars in personal debt… Please pray we overcome… This is my true heart…

Book Project: The Transit Cookbook


For years I have struggled regarding the subject matter of my first published book. I have finally made a decision. My first published work will be in the genre of Astrology. The theme is planetary transits. Here are some reasons for coming to this decision:

  • A new, fresh perspective on planetary transits is long overdue.
  • I’m not completely satisfied with the transit books on the market.
  • The Astrology world needs a transit book that can be applied to more real world situations and circumstances.
  • I have yet to find a comprehensive and clear book on transits that include all of the transits of Chiron and the North Node as well as planetary contacts with natal Chiron and the Nodes.
  • Most if not all books on planetary transits do not include the minor aspects such as the semisquare, quincunx and sesquisquare. I will include these important aspects in my transit book.
  • Transits are in the realm of Predictive Astrology which is one of my specializations and I’m always looking for ways to improve my technique.
  • I need an extensive go-to reference book on planetary transits that reads more like a cookbook rather than a theoretical treatise.
  • I will use my own experience with transits as well as the experiences of others when compiling the entries for this book.

The last bullet point brings me to this invitation. All good academic books require extensive research and empirical evidence in order for the claims contained in the work to be substantiated. I am extending an invitation to anyone who is interested in participating in my research study on planetary transits. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Send me your birth information via email to You do not have to provide your name. The birth information must include: date of birth, location (city and state), and the time of birth. You must know your birth time to be included in this research study. On the subject line write: “Transits Research Study”.
  • Upon receipt of your birth information, I will send you a graphic of your natal chart along with a computerized natal chart interpretation report. This will be confirmation that you have been accepted into this study.
  • I will send you a 2nd email with 4 questionnaire forms attached (1 for each week).
  • You will need to document your feelings, moods, what took place, any good or bad events, opportunities, challenges or problems, etc. over the course of 4 weeks.
  • You will complete the daily questionnaire and send your responses by the following Sunday of each week. You will be sent a total of 4 questionnaires, 1 for each week of the study.
  • Upon completion of the 4-week study, you will receive a $20 gift certificate to be used towards Tarot and Astrology readings featured on my Etsy shop (Readings by Rahbinah).
  • You agree to have your data included in the book. All participants will remain anonymous.

I am excited about this literary project and I anticipate that it will be approximately a year in the making. My goal is to have this book published by early 2017. Thank you in advance to all who are willing to participate and assist me with this major endeavor.





Venus in Capricorn: Love You Long Time


Venus is now in Capricorn, the workaholic of the Zodiac. For Venus in Capricorn, love and relationships may as well be forms of work. The blessing in this is that Venus in Capricorn will always be there when she is truly needed. She is ever so stable and responsible. It’s the day to day existence of a relationship and what she sees as trivial matters that can be the source of frustration for a Capricorn Venus’ partner, however. Venus in Capricorn is not one to be emotionally needy and she expects her mate to be just as self-sufficient.

She wants a partnership for life and she is apt to hang on to a lover in some way, shape, or form long after the relationship has died. This is Venus in Capricorn’s Achilles’s heel; it often being so hard for her to let go of the past. To the extreme, Venus in Capricorn can be a glutton for punishment and can be drawn to partners who set out to hurt and humiliate her. This is because for Capricorn, without a constant struggle, life really does not carry much meaning. On the other extreme, Venus in Cap can be the classic gold digger or executive who sleeps her way to the top.

She may be a bit emotionally distant, but she is very sentimental and will retain all of the little messages and gifts that you bestow upon her. She will be devoted to her career, but also her family. Sometimes she finds it hard to find the right balance between work and home with the latter often being on the losing end. Venus in Capricorn could easily find love in the workplace or somewhere along her career path. She’s of the few who could successfully be business partners with her spouse. Sexually, this she-goat can get down and dirty. She’s the epitome of “a lady in the streets and a freak in the bed”.

Financially, she is extremely resourceful, frugal and can be prone to miserliness. Money will only come through hard work in most cases, but she will have plenty of it. She is attracted to the classic, the vintage and the antique in terms of personal style. Rarely will you find her in busy dresses and skirts, yet she’s not necessarily a tomboy. She prefers clothing that is practical, comfortable and unassuming. Black and other utilitarian colors dominate her wardrobe.